
〔★★★ 原発NEWS〕保安院 16日段階ですでに20キロ圏避難者へ「安定ヨウ素」摂取を勧告 避難所に25万単位供給 IAEAが明らかに 保安院「緊急情報ホームページ」で一切伝えず!



 On March 16, "Japan's Nuclear Safety Commission recommended local authorities to instruct evacuees leaving the 20-kilometre area to ingest stable (not radioactive) iodine," the IAEA said.


 Earlier this week, the Vienna-based U.N. agency said Japan had provided 230,000 units of stable iodine to evacuation centers as a precautionary measure in the nuclear emergency.


 Taken as pills or syrup, stable iodine can be used to help protect against thyroid cancer in the case of radioactive exposure in a nuclear accident.

 ⇒ http://www.nytimes.com/reuters/2011/03/19/world/asia/international-us-japan-nuclear-iodine-iaea.html?hp


     ⇒ http://kinkyu.nisa.go.jp/kinkyu/



Posted by 大沼安史 at 06:01 午後 |  | トラックバック (0)


原発NEWS〕 南相馬の Misako さんは言った 「世界にこれほど不運な場所はない」




 She(Misako)asked that her full name not be used because she feared discrimination in the future because of the nuclear crisis, just as survivors of the 1945 atomic bombings were ostracized out of a misplaced fear that they could spread radiation sickness.

“Many here have lost their homes, and now they have to fight the fear of the nuclear plant,” she said. “An earthquake, tsunami and now nuclear fears — there is no other place in the world as unfortunate as here.”

 ⇒ http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/19/world/asia/19stranded.html?pagewanted=2&hp


Posted by 大沼安史 at 12:14 午後 |  | トラックバック (0)


〔★ 原発NEWS〕 「石棺」逆効果論


⇒ http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-sci-japan-quake-nuclear-20110319,0,3085957.story?page=2



 In the long run, some experts believe the Fukushima plant will have to be entombed. Within about a month of the Chernobyl accident, workers began dumping more than 5,000 tons of sand and concrete on the burning reactor to snuff out the flames and prevent further release of radiation.

But there are major differences between the two facilities that could make it very difficult to carry out a similar operation in Japan.

Chernobyl's damaged reactor did not have a containment vessel, but was exposed to the open air. It was thus imperative to encase the plant in concrete to prevent further escape of radioactive ash.

The reactor cores at Fukushima, in contrast, are housed inside containment vessels made of steel and concrete. One of those may have been cracked, but the evidence so far suggests the cracking is modest, at worst.

Ironically, attempts to blanket those reactors with concrete at this point could wind up damaging the containment vessels more severely, cracking them open and allowing more radiation to escape, experts said.

Similarly, the spent fuel pool for reactor No. 4 may have run dry and may have holes in its side walls. Plus, the pond is 70 feet above the ground. Attempting to encase it in concrete could create massive problems.

Either workers would have to build some type of structure to support the concrete tomb or run the risk that the added weight of any extra concrete and sand piled onto the building would cause the top floors to crumble, allowing the fuel rods to break free.

Encasing the fuel rods in sand and concrete, furthermore, would trap heat and allow them to get much hotter than they are now, potentially enabling them to burn through the concrete and escape from their tomb.

Because the fuel rods and the reactors are so hot, the concrete would undergo a phenomenon called flash-set, in which it would solidify extremely rapidly.

But the result would be a material with a consistency much like gravel rather than stone.

"My gut feeling is, it's a bad idea," Lewis said.

Officials at Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency on Saturday said it was highly unlikely that workers could use massive amounts of sand or cement to smother the super-hot fuel inside the reactors or storage pools at the Daiichi plant any time in the near future.

"We believe it is not a realistic option," said the agency's Hidehiko Nishiyama.

Teruaki Kobayashi of Tokyo Electric Power Co. said the company had not ruled out the entombment strategy. But he added that the possibility was remote unless conditions at the plant changed substantially — for instance, if the fuel rods caught fire and began spewing radioactive ash everywhere.


Posted by 大沼安史 at 11:56 午前 |  | トラックバック (0)


原発NEWS〕 仏原子力局 「10%」を放出 すでにチェルノブイリ並み



 The French nuclear agency IRSN said Friday that the Fukushima Daiichi plant had already released 10% as much radioactivity as Chernobyl, though the agency has been accused by some as being alarmist.

 ⇒ http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-sci-japan-quake-nuclear-20110319,0,3085957.story


Posted by 大沼安史 at 11:41 午前 |  | トラックバック (0)


〔★ 原発NEWS〕 「石棺」を検討



 Engineers are reportedly considering a plan to entomb the plant in a concrete coffin, a strategy used during the world's worst nuclear disaster at Chernobyl in 1986.

 ⇒ http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/pm-mulls-chernobyls-concrete-coffin-option-2246329.html


Posted by 大沼安史 at 11:18 午前 |  | トラックバック (0)


原発NEWS〕原子力資料情報室 会見ビデオ 18日


 ⇒ http://www.ustream.tv/channel/cnic-news


Posted by 大沼安史 at 11:00 午前