IAEA 日本政府に2008年に警告

〔重要NEWS〕 IAEA 日本政府に2008年に警告 「地震対策時代遅れ、重大な問題を引き起こす」 ウィキリークス機密電で明るみに 英紙がスクープ報道 






















 ⇒ http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/wikileaks/8384059/Japan-earthquake-Japan-warned-over-nuclear-plants-WikiLeaks-cables-show.html








An official from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said in December 2008 that safety rules were out of date and strong earthquakes would pose a "serious problem" for nuclear power stations.


The Japanese government pledged to upgrade safety at all of its nuclear plants, but will now face inevitable questions over whether it did enough.


While it responded to the warnings by building an emergency response centre at the Fukushima plant, it was only designed to withstand magnitude 7.0 tremors. Friday's devastating earthquake was a magnitude 9.0 shock.




A US embassy cable obtained by the WikiLeaks website and seen by The Daily Telegraph quoted an unnamed expert who expressed concern that guidance on how to protect nuclear power stations from earthquakes had only been updated three times in the past 35 years.


The document states: "He [the IAEA official] explained that safety guides for seismic safety have only been revised three times in the last 35 years and that the IAEA is now re-examining them.


"Also, the presenter noted recent earthquakes in some cases have exceeded the design basis for some nuclear plants, and that this is a serious problem that is now driving seismic safety work."


The cables also disclose how the Japanese government opposed a court order to shut down another nuclear power plant in western Japan because of concerns it could not withstand powerful earthquakes.


The court ruled that there was a possibility local people might be exposed to radiation if there was an accident at the plant, which was built to out of date specifications and only to withstand a "6.5 magnitude" earthquake. Last Friday's earthquake, 81 miles off the shore of Japan, was a magnitude 9.0 tremor.


However, a cable from March 2006 reported that the court's concerns were not shared by the country's nuclear safety agency.


It says: "Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency believes the reactor is safe and that all safety analyses were appropriately conducted."


The Government successfully overturned the ruling in 2009.


Another cable reported to Washington local concerns that a new generation of Japanese power stations that recycle nuclear fuel were jeopardising safety.


The cable, quoting a local newspaper, reports: "There is something precarious about the way all electric power companies are falling in step with each other under the banner of the national policy. We have seen too many cases of cost reduction competition through heightened efficiency jeopardizing safety."


The cables also disclose how Taro Kono, a high-profile member of Japan's lower house, told US diplomats in October 2008 that the government was "covering up" nuclear accidents.


He alleged that the government was ignoring alternative forms of energy, such as wind power.


The cable states: "He also accused METI [the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry] of covering up nuclear accidents, and obscuring the true costs and problems associated with the nuclear industry." He added that the Japan's "extensive seismic" activity raised safety concerns about storing nuclear material.


Mr Kan was not in office at the time the nuclear warnings were made. He became science and technology minister in 2009 and prime minister in June 2010.


Posted by 大沼安史 at 09:07 午前 |  | トラックバック (0)


原発NEWS〕  数十年に及ぶ嘘 最早、誰も聞く耳を持たず 英紙報道


 世界的な権威紙である英紙インディペンデントは「不信の原子雲 世界に広がる」と題した、日本政府を批判するトップ記事を掲げた。

 サブ見出しにこうある。「数十年に及ぶ嘘 最早、誰も聞く耳を持たず」
 After decades of lies, nuclear reassurances now fall on deaf ears

 ⇒ http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/a-cloud-of-nuclear-mistrust-spreads-around-the-world-2242988.html


Posted by 大沼安史 at 08:37 午前 |  | トラックバック (0)




原発NEWS〕 「すぐ飛行機を予約して愛する人々の安全を守れ!」 在日米海軍Facebook
 ニューヨーク・タイムズによると、在日米海軍のFacebook に、21歳の軍人の妻が「幼子が一人、妊娠中、どうしたら」というポスティングがあった。



 ⇒ http://thelede.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/03/16/latest-updates-on-japans-nuclear-crisis-and-earthquake-aftermath-3/

 On a Facebook page for U.S. Naval Forces Japan, some Americans voiced concern. One living in Atsugi, Japan, where radiation was detected at a naval base, asked about a potential evacuation.

 "Having a toddler and being pregnant, I need to know if they can get us going," wrote 21-year-old Chelsea Origer.

 Another woman, identifying herself as Melanie Cobos Lopez, responded: "You know they will wait (until) the last (minute). Just book a flight and keep them babies safe."

 "Who knows what (they're) not telling us," she wrote.

 大沼: 時間がないので出典掲示はしないが、「星条旗」紙に、ヨコスカ基地で、軍人・家族と軍当局の話し合いが数日前、持たれた。プレス・オフリミットの集会だった。日本脱出を求める声が上がったらしい。


Posted by 大沼安史 at 08:20 午前 |  |